Truong Thanh St Im-Ex Co., Ltd is a one of most trusted-motorcycle-exporter of Vietnam which has over 10 years of experienced. We do service all customers' needs , motorcycles, parts , even shipping advise.
We mostly supply Japanese brand motorcycles making in Thailand such as Honda , Yamaha, and Suzuki.

With high capability of Vietnam manufacturers, motorcycles making here are one of the best reliable quality in the world. Most models are come with 3-5 year- warantee and 10 years parts providing ability. We ship motorcycles and spare parts to your sea port or even your home (with a minimum order depending on countries) We provide documents for your custom, certificate of origin, translated specification, etc.
We surely put full support for our customer both pre sales and after sales , start from reasonable prices, good quality of products, well export advice, effective transport and fast coordinated till support spare parts even you are in your home.
Motorcycles making in Vietnam have their own character. Some may fit for your countries
Each Motorcycle making in Vietnam does come with minimum document providing. Please firstly check with your country's custom about imported tax , legal, custom obligations. So we can arrange what the most appopriated.